Vacation travel behavior in Germany - statistics and facts
Thus far in 2024, most German travelers were planning a trip to Europe or a staycation in Germany. In previous decades, German vacation travel behavior was constantly influenced by several factors. This influence continues to this day. Various online booking options for getting a trip together, from buying necessary tickets to finding accommodation and paying for activities, have enormously simplified the vacation planning process, and given vacationers everywhere a taste of travel independence. Online travel platforms also saved German vacationers around six billion euros, according to a report published in 2022. Be it a domestic or international trip, most of the booking was often completed from the laptop at home. Increasingly so, mobile devices entered the mix, making it possible to plan and pay on the go, while also saving tickets and confirmations on the device, thus removing the necessity of traveling with printouts. This also ties in with consumers wanting to travel sustainably.
Germans use various types of accommodation on their vacation trips. Most book a hotel, though a vacation apartment or home was also a popular option. Rising prices across the accommodation and travel industries in general due to the aftereffects of the pandemic and current developments on the energy market are already influencing vacation travel behavior anew on a long-term basis.