Garden equipment and plants in the United States - statistics & facts
Lawn lockdown
As the U.S. went through several periods of pandemic lockdown in 2020, numerous homeowners found themselves spending more time in their homes and gardens. This spurred many to finally get started on long-postponed garden upkeep, or commence with new renovation and remodeling projects. In fact, over 40 percent of surveyed American households participated in more gardening projects during the pandemic than before. Accordingly, garden centers and other gardening retailers saw a spike in revenue. In May and June 2020, shortly after many garden centers reopened after the first lockdown, record-high revenues were recorded. With the coronavirus pandemic continuing into 2021, these sales records were broken again. Per capita expenditure on gardening products was 155 U.S. dollars in 2020, up from 120 dollars the year before.
Roses are red…
…Violets are blue, and sales figures for flowers grew. This can be concluded from recent holiday-themed surveys conducted in the U.S. In 2021, Americans planned to spend a grand sum of 2.66 billion U.S. dollars on flowers for Mother’s Day. This is the highest figure since 2007. Other surveys reveal that mothers are not the only ones inspiring Americans to buy a bouquet of roses - Cupid appears to stir up some flower shopping incentive as well. When it comes to flower expenses for Valentine’s Day, 2020 was the record year, with roughly 2.3 billion U.S. dollars spent.