Media ad spending in Norway 2022, by medium
The highest spending digital advertising platforms
In general, spending on internet advertising in Norway increased in recent years to nearly 17 billion Norwegian kroner in 2022. A year earlier, Norwegian ad market became digital-first, as internet advertising accounted for more than 50 percent of the total ad spend for the first time. Internet display is the digital platform with the highest expenditures, followed by search and classifieds and directories.
Marketing budgets
According to an early 2023 survey, only 15 percent of Norwegian companies stated they wanted to increase their marketing busgets in 2023. Nearly a half were not planning any changes in this respect. As marketers are careful with their money, it would be wisest to invest in physical in-store media and TV among non-digital media, as well as social media and video ads among digital media. Most consumers name these four as the media platforms where they remembered coming across ads.