Willingness to change primary bank in the U.S. 2019-2024, by quarter

Share of customers willing to change their primary banks in the United States from 1st half 2019 to 3rd quarter 2024

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Number of respondents

9,237 respondents

Age group

18-64 years

Special properties

bank account holders

Supplementary notes

The original question was phrased by the source as follows: "How likely are you going to change your primarily used bank on the next possible occasion? (single-pick)." One selection of the following answers were possible:

  • Very likely

- Very likely
- Likely
- Neither likely nor unlikely
- Unlikely
- Very unlikely
- Don't know

The displayed figures were recoded based on the above question. The number of respondents differ in each survey update. More information on the methodology can be found here.

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