Ukrainians with an assigned PESEL number in Poland 2022-2023, by age & sex
In January 2024, nearly 956 thousand refugees from Ukraine received a PESEL identification number in Poland. Nearly 34 percent were children under the age of 18. Working-age persons accounted for almost 62 percent, most of whom were women.
According to the source, PESEL numbers assigned to Ukrainian refugees primarily entitle them to cash benefits provided for in the special law. Having a PESEL number is a prerequisite for receiving a one-time benefit of 300 zloty per person to cover refugees' living expenses. Moreover, having a PESEL number enables the payment of the parental benefit (500 plus), the benefit "Dobry start", the family care capital, and family and social assistance benefits. It is unnecessary to have a PESEL number to work legally in Poland or benefit from the health services and education system.