Best tutoring tools for digital learning in France 2020
From face-to-face to virtual classrooms
Educational efficiency and responsiveness to business challenges were seen as the two main advantages for moving to digital learning, with an agreeance share ranging from 29 to 31 percent. Furthermore, the reactivity induced by digital technology was also a strong element that has enabled companies to meet health constraints, according to French employees. While face-to-face attendance was impossible to provide during confinement, one would have expected that this lack would only enhance his value. Indeed, even in 2020, the majority of companies judged face-to-face classes to be the most effective, and an absence of digital implementation also meant that these novel technologies are often met with a lack of skills.Effective e-learning modalities
Apart from the virtual classroom, the training methods deemed to be the most effective were fast learning sessions comprising training of less than 15 minutes and microlearning, as well as training of less than 2 minutes. We are therefore witnessing a sharp rise in short training content, adapted in particular to mobile devices, which is becoming the standard in e-learning training.Other than companies, schools and students have also been able to benefit from online learning platforms, especially during the COVID-19 induced lockdown, where many schools had to shut down their physical activity. The best platforms from which the students benefited were the school platform itself, followed by various apps, and the CNED (12 percent), which is a French distance learning platform. As some were in their last years of education, professional orientation was an important subject. For this purpose, for 70 percent of students counselling and orientation websites were relevant, whereas about half of them used social networks.