Area of certified organic farmland Japan 2014-2023
The area of certified organic farmland in Japan amounted to approximately 18.8 thousand hectares in 2023, the historically highest number. Over the past decade, the total area of certified organic farmland increased steadily each year. Upland fields accounted for the largest share of certified organic farmland in the country, followed by paddy fields.
The situation of sustainable farming in Japan
Within the agricultural sector in Japan, sustainable farming still plays a minor role. The domestic farming industry is heavily subsidized by the government. Japan’s mountainous geography and extreme climate create a difficult environment for commercial farming, but the sector’s main challenge is to attract younger generations and to keep up with trends, such as organic farming. Awareness for healthy and sustainably produced food in Japanese society has risen in recent years. To satisfy the demand for organic products, however, the country must rely on imports.
What is the Japanese Agricultural Standards certificate?
The Act of Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS), established by the Japanese Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 2000, certifies organic agricultural production through third-party inspections. Organic agricultural production, as defined by JAS, uses methods which promote ecosystem health and refrain from using chemically synthesized fertilizers, pesticides, and genetic recombination technologies. Originally, only fresh produce and plant-based processed products were verified as organic through JAS. Since 2020, the logo also certifies animal-based products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy products, which follow the domestic standards for organic agriculture.