A large majority of Indians play video games on their mobile phones. While mobile gaming has become the biggest market segment in countries all around the world, it is even more widespread in developing nations, where computer and console ownership is lower. According to the Statista Digital Market Outlook, almost three quarters of Indian gaming revenue will come from the mobile segment in 2021.
But according to a recently released survey by HP, that could change in the future as the Indian market develops. 37 percent of Indian respondents between the ages of 15 and 40 who played mobile games said they could see themselves switching to a PC for gaming. That number was as high as 70 percent among Millennial and Gen Z mobile gamers.
Reasons for choosing a PC for gaming included better visuals, better sound effects and better battery capacity. All in all, 89 percent of respondents said they thought gaming at a PC was superior to gaming on a phone.