Acting Director of Homeland Security Chad Wolf resigned Monday just days before the end of the Trump administration, making him the fourth head of the department to throw the towel during the past four years. Across all secretary positions, the Trump cabinet has shown a higher level of turnover than experienced under previous presidents. According to data aggregated by the Brookings Institution, Trump has had 14 cabinet secretaries resign so far. This includes only secretaries confirmed by Congress and excludes acting secretaries as well as those on the cabinet level, which differ between presidents.
Among President Trump's senior executive staff turnover reached 91 percent close to the end of his term, compared with 78 percent for Ronald Reagan, 74 percent for Bill Clinton and 71 percent for Barack Obama. While in this methodology, turnover is only counted once per position, Trump senior White House staff - similar to his secretaries - have turned over more than once on several occasions. According to Brookings, Trump has had four different chiefs of staff, press secretaries and national security advisors in as many year. Over the same time period, six communication directors resigned, with the current one listed as unknown.