UK Election 2017

Bobbies on the beat

Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party has announced that it will add ten thousand new police officers to the streets of the UK if it is elected on 8 June. As our infographic shows, the number of Constables in England and Wales has seen a pretty heavy decrease under an austerity-focused Conservative party, going from almost 114 thousand when they took power in 2010 to just over 101 thousand in 2016.

This is certainly a policy that will chime well with the public, but in a torrid day of media interviews, the shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott gave the impression that Labour don’t yet have a solid financial plan to turn this into reality. Voters will have to wait for the "fully-costed manifesto" to see if the apparent creases can be ironed out in time for election day.


This chart shows the number of police constables in England and Wales from 2007 to 2016.

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