
The Top U.S. States For Refugee Resettlement In 2016

84,995 refugees were admitted to the United States in fiscal year 2016, the highest number since 1999. The primary reason for the larger intake was President Obama's decision to increase the maximum number of refugees admitted to the U.S. by 15,000. Over half of the total number were resettled in just 10 states with California (7,909), Texas (7,803) and New York (5,026) leading the way.

According to U.S. State Department data analyzed by Pew Research, some states took in disappointingly few refugees with two (Delaware and Hawaii) taking none at all. On a per capita level, Nebraska took in the most of any U.S. state - 76 per 100,000 of its residents. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Syria were the two largest origin countries for refugees in the U.S. in 2016, with 16,370 and 12,587 respectively.


This chart shows the number of refugees resettled in U.S. states in fiscal year 2016.

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