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Where Domestic Tourism Matters Most to Local Accommodation Businesses

In the 2024 edition of the European Accommodation Barometer, the study has revealed that although 76% of European hoteliers feel that Domestic visitors important or very important to the success of their business, this importance varies from country to country. For larger countries like Germany and France, domestic visitors are seen as important to business success by 92% and 88% of hoteliers respectively. On the other end of the spectrum, southern European countries such as Portugal and Spain seem to place a stronger emphasis on international tourism when it comes to identifying their most profitable visitor cohort.


This infographic shows the share of European hoteliers who believe that domestic visitors are (very) important to the success of their business.

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Global gross domestic product (GDP) per capita 2023
Share of economic sectors in the global gross domestic product from 2013 to 2023
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in selected global regions 2023
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Monthly ASX domestic market cap Australia 2010-2024
Share of economic sectors in the gross domestic product, by global regions 2023
Domestic tourism spending in France 2019-2034

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