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Hotels Faring Significantly Better than STRs on the Japanese Travel Accommodation Market

In a survey of Japanese hoteliers conducted by Statista in partnership with Booking.com, hotel-style accommodations appear to rate their general financial and economic situation more positively than short-term rentals (STRs). The survey revealed that over half (53%) of Japanese hotels reported strong increases in their average daily rate in the last six months, while just over one-third (34%) of short-term rentals reported strong increases. A similar disparity can be seen in how STRs viewed their business development over the six months preceding the survey. Nevertheless, both accommodation types are slightly more aligned when it comes to their assessment of the current situation, with 45% of STRs believing the current economic situation is 'good' or 'very good' compared to 49% of hotels.

The 2023 Japanese Accommodation Barometer is the first study of hoteliers conducted by Statista in collaboration with Booking.com, surveying 250 accommodation executives and managers across Japan. Click here to download a copy of your own (only available in Japanese).


This infographic shows the share of STRs and hotels in Japan that responded 'good' or 'very good' to statements about their economic development.

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