
The Most and Least Trusted People in the World

Trust me, I'm a doctor. So goes the well-worn phrase, and as survey by Ipsos reveals, medical professionals are indeed the most trusted group in the world. A total 64 percent said they think doctors are trustworthy, while just 10 percent said they rather didn't trust them - making for a net trust level of 54 percent. Scientists were close behind with a net trustworthiness of 51 percent while teachers rounded off the top three with 43 percent.

At the other end of the scale, politicians have come out as the least trustworthy group of people with a net score of -52 percent. Malaysia and India displayed the highest levels of trust in politicians - 18 and 19 percent, respectively, said they trusted them there. Argentina and Columbia had the least trust - 3 and 4 percent. Malaysia and India were in fact the most trusting nations in the survey when taking responses to all categories into consideration. Colombia and Chile were the least trusting.


This chart shows global public net level of trust in certain groups of people in 2021.

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