UFO Report

UFO Report: The Pentagon Failed To Explain 143 Sightings

The U.S. government's eagerly awaited UFO report finally landed late last week and it was something of an anti-climax. Officially referred to as UAPs or unidentified aerial phenomena, there was excitement ahead of the report's publication after a series of high-profile encounters between U.S. Navy fighter pilots and mysterious "tic tac" shaped objects that seemed to propel themselves with some form of advanced technology.

The key takeaway from the report is that the U.S. government documented 144 reports of UAPs between November 2004 and March 2021 and it was only able to conclusively explain one of them - a large balloon deflating. 18 incidents involved UAPs demonstrating unusual movement patterns that could be evidence of some kind of advanced propulsion technology.

At least 80 UAPs were tracked by multiple sensors which increased confidence that they were in fact physical objects. It stated that some could be technologies from countries such as China or Russia but that they could also be natural atmospheric phenomena such as ice-crystals that have registered on radar displays. While the report also states that some of the UAPs could be "attributable to developments and classified programs by U.S. entities", it also did not rule out that the objects are extra-terrestrial.


This chart shows U.S. government reports of UAP incidents between Nov 2004 and Mar 2021.

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