Pharma Industry

Celltrion Outgrows Pharma Industry

According to numbers collected by website Simply Wall Street, Korean healthcare company Celltrion has been growing at a faster rate than the pharmaceutical industry and the market as a whole. Celltrion grew its earnings by 65 percent last year, a strong increase compared with just 2.3 percent earnings growth across the market. The pharma industry’s growth sputtered in 2019, but still exhibited a solid above-market 8.2 percent annual earnings increase when calculating the average of the last five years. In this metric, Celltrion also beats the industry with a five-year average earnings growth of 17 percent annually.

Celltrion has been in the news recently for testing a COVID-19 antibody treatment, which the company has said started mass production in September. The drug which will be used to treat COVID-19 patients had completed Phase I trials by the middle of the month in Korea. Phase II and III trials will launch outside Korea soon and produce results by the end of the year. The treatment is supposed to hit the market in the first half of 2021, if authorization succeeds.


This chart shows the 2019 and five-year average annual earnings growth of Celltrion, the pharma industry and stock market.

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