Democratic Primary

Biden On Pace For Substantial Delegate Lead

Polling averages for states voting in the upcoming Democratic primary elections on March 10 point to former Vice President Joe Biden taking a sizable lead in delegates over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Michigan has the largest number of delegates up for grabs with 125 on Tuesday, and Biden’s average lead over Sanders is nearly 26 percentage points in that state. On top of that, governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer endorsed Biden at the beginning of the month.

Other states, including Washington (89), Missouri (68) and Mississippi (36), have polling averages which all show favorable leads for Biden.

After a shocking resurgence during Super Tuesday on March 3 and multiple candidate endorsements, Biden has reclaimed his lead over Sanders with a current delegate count of 664 to 573. With solid wins in upcoming votes on March 9, Biden could begin to build a substantial lead over Sanders entering the middle of the race. Still, with over 3,000 delegates who haven’t pledged, it’s still anybody’s race.


This chart shows the polling averages for selected states voting on March 10 for the Democratic presidential primary.

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