Tech Trust

Americans Do Not Trust Facebook with Personal Info

Americans are notoriously skeptical and distrustful of the federal government, a trend that has only worsened in recent years, so when Americans distrust an institution more than the federal government, there has been a serious breach of trust.

According to a new poll by NBC and the Wall Street Journal, more people reported not trusting Facebook with their personal information than the federal government. Six in ten respondents did not trust Facebook with their personal information, while just 35 percent of U.S. adults surveyed did not trust the federal government with their personal information. Amazon seemed to fare better than the other tech companies, with only 28 percent of respondents not trusting the company with their personal information.

Facebook has been mired in a variety scandals ranging from who they were allowing to buy election ads on their platform to how they were using users’ data, all shrouding the company in an air of suspicion in the public’s eye.


This chart shows the share of respondents who do not trust select organizations with their personal information.

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