Household Wealth

Where Global Household Wealth Is Rising & Falling

Continued rises in equity markets and non-financial asset ownership around the world over the past year has driven a global increase in household wealth. According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, aggregate household wealth has gone up $14 trillion between mid-2017 and mid-2018 to reach $317 trillion. The U.S. economy is still booming and Credit Suisse stated that the country is continuing to see an "unbroken spell of wealth gains". Over the past year, the U.S. has added $6 trillion to the stock of global wealth.

The following infographic shows the situation in different regions around the world. Europe also increased its household wealth by 5.5 percent, adding $4.4 trillion in total. China also saw its wealth levels increase $2.3 trillion (4.6 percent) and at country level, it displaced Japan to come second in the global wealth league. Latin America was the only region that recorded a decline in wealth levels over the past year. Its household wealth declined by $415 billion or 4.9 percent.


This chart shows total household wealth by region in 2018 and % change since 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars).

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