International Women's Day

Where Sexual Harassment Is Seen As The Biggest Issue

The theme for International Women's Day this year is a push for global gender parity which is being called #PressforProgress. To mark the occasion, Ipsos MORI released a major survey focusing on levels of concern about equality across 27 countries. One key question concerned whether sexual harassment is the biggest issue facing women today. In Turkey and India, people are most likely to say that it is the biggest issue facing women while in the UK, the share is far less.


This chart shows the share agreeing that sexual harassment is the biggest issue facing women.

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Number of sexual harassment consultations Japan FY 2014-2023
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Number of cyber crimes related to sexual harassment India 2016-2022
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U.S. views on workplace sexual harassment after the #MeToo movement 2022
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Canada: women reporting workplace sexual harassment or assault 2014-2018

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