
From Russia With Hate

Police have launched a murder inquiry into the death of Dawn Sturgess who died yesterday after being exposed to the nerve agent 'Novichok'. Due to the proximity of the incident to the previous poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal, Home Secretary Sajid Javid has requested Russia to 'explain exactly what has gone on', despite not wanting to jump to conclusions.

The poisoning of Skripal and his daughter in March quickly prompted comparisons to the case of Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian FSB officer who died after being poisoned with polonium in the UK in 2006. According to a major Buzzfeed investigation, the Russian diaspora in the UK appears vulnerable with the Kremlin suspected of organizing several killings on British soil over the past 15 years. Up until now, all of the cases have been shut by the police, possibly due to fear of retaliation or a desire to keep billions of pounds of Russian money flowing into banks and properties every year. The following infographic provides an overview of the killings Buzzfeed claims are linked to the Russian government.


Deaths un the UK allegedly linked to the Russian government by US spy agencies.

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